Parental Involvement & Courses
St John’s is a fantastic community to be part of, and we encourage our parent to be as involved as possible in the life of the school. This enriches the school experience for the children, through fundraising, events and joining their parents at workshops. It is also a great way to meet new people, improve skills and increase your knowledge of what your children are learning.
There are many ways to get involved at St John’s:
- Join our PTA “The Friends of St John’s” Help raise funds for the school which are passed directly onto the children, for example through trips, resources, sports day treats etc.
- Encourage your child to return their library books each week and foster a love of reading from home. Visit your local library to access a wide variety of books. Come and join in our Nursery 'Stay and Share a Story' sessions which are held once a term, with the details sent out on our termly Calendar of Events.
- Complete our Parent Questionnaire in the Spring Term and give us valuable feedback on your experience and your child’s experience of St John’s.
- Visit our link Surestart Centre – Fountains Children’s Centre or enquire at our school office for information about what is offered, and how the centre can support you and your family.
- Attend one of our school based workshops, to help understand how we teach phonics, maths, reading, or other subjects.
- Come to your child's Year Group Assemblies, which are held throughout the year, on occasions such as Mother's Day, or Advent.
Coffee Morning
Our MacMillan Coffee Morning and After School Cake Sale was a great success and we raised over £342.60 for MacMillan Cancer Support! (Final total to follow!) Thank you to all who supported this event!
Parent Courses:
Whether you want to develop your own skills, gain qualifications or be able to support your child better with his or her learning, we run workshops in school, and also work closely with Fountains Children’s Centre and Hugh Baird College. We try to create opportunities for trying new things, meeting other people and setting personal goals and challenges.
Parent Courses and School Workshops At St John's
We run many workshops throughout the year here at St John's. Below are some of the things we offer.
- Year 1/ Reception Science Workshop
- Year 1 Phonics Screening Meeting
- EYFS – Stay and Play/ Stay and Share a Story
- Year 6 SATs meeting
- Reception Reading Meeting
- Year 4 Times Tables Meeting
Maths Calculations
If you are interested please contact the office or see Miss Barker.
Involvement in School Life
There are many ways in which you can become involved within the life of the school, and see what sort of things your child is doing. Years 1 – 6 hold different Special Assemblies throughout the year which parents and carers are invited to. We also welcome parents to come and see their child’s Christmas Nativity Performance, Carol Services, Sports Day and Summer Art Gallery.
Our PTA is always busy behind the scenes bringing people together and raising funds for the children.
If you are interested in joining and helping plan and run events or queries please see the school office (0151 922 1924).
Fountains, County, Vauxhall & Walton Children Centre's
For all families with a child up to the age of 5
Parents, Carers, Grandparents and children welcome
Drop in or call 0151 298 2918 (Vauxhall)
0151 233 4741 (Fountains)
0151 233 3760 (County & Walton)
Range of Services and Advice on: Health and Wellbeing
- All matters related to bringing up babies and young children
- Confidential Family Support and Advice
- Services for children with additional needs
- Early identification and intervention of delays or other problems
- Fun play sessions to support learning and make new friends
- Services and advice relating to being ready for school
- Help and support with employment
- Training and Education opportunities
- A wonderful nursery for all your daycare needs
Click here for the latest update from Surestart - Learning together You and Your Child
Click here to see whats available this year
Fountains Children’s Centre Website
Hugh Baird College – Adult Education Opportunities
Work related courses allow you to develop practical, work based skills and often include work experience, placements and workshop based teaching.
Employers really value the skills you develop on these courses, so they are great if you want to move into employment. It is also worth remembering that the Level 3 courses are the equivalent to three A Levels and are accepted by universities.
Examples include:
Construction, Floral Design, Computing, Childcare, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
And many more…..
Some of these courses are free and if we have enough people interested we may be able to hold them here at St John’s. Please contact the office if you are interested in these courses.
Further information can be found on Hugh Baird’s website:
Tel: 0151 353 4444