***Reception - Click here to read our Useful Information sheet.
Welcome to St John’s Early Years! We hope you enjoy the year ahead, where your child will experience lots of exciting new things, and will have the opportunity to learn a variety of new skills.
Reception Staff
- Teachers: Miss Bond (Funnybones), Miss Schumann (Gruffalos)
- Specialist Teachers: Miss Wilson (PE) Mr Rostance (Music)
- Teaching Assistants: Miss Byrne and Miss Wood
Reading is a big part of Reception, we love to read with our teachers and teaching assistants. We take reading books home every day to read and share with our families.
Children learn to read using the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. Read Write Inc. phonics teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They will learn to form each letter, spell correctly, and compose their ideas step by step.
Supporting your children at home
A few ideas to help and support when reading at home;
-Sharing books and stories everyday
-Talking to children and help them to learn new words
-Singing songs and nursery rhymes together
-Play listening games. Listen for the sounds you can hear when walking and playing outdoors
-Share stories and talk about the pictures in the book
For more ideas please click on the link 'Supporting your child at home'
Library Visit
We visit our school library every Thursday. This is when we choose a book to take home and share. We can change our books every week.
Don't forget to bring your library card. For every 10 library loans you will receive a prize of a book to keep.
We also love to sing and learn new songs and nursery rhymes. Each week we have a new song or rhyme to take home to teach our families.
Early Years Foundation Stage Vision
At St John’s, we believe that learning should be fun, purposeful and challenging.
Our outstanding environment encourages exploration, curiosity and creativity, as well as the physical development of our pupils.
Through our effective curriculum and stimulating environment, we aim to develop strong, confident and independent children with a real passion for lifelong learning.
Positive attitudes and effective partnerships enable us to develop the whole child, meeting individual needs in a safe and secure environment in which differences are accepted and celebrated.
‘’Every child deserves the best possible start in life through high quality education’’ (EYFS, 2023).

Stage Curriculum
Within the foundation stage we plan a range of practical, play based activities to ensure that children are given a range of opportunities to develop skills and demonstrate their learning.
Weekly activities are planned and developed from the children’s interests. This keeps the children engaged and excited about learning.
The EYFS is made up of seven areas of Learning and Development all with a strong emphasis on learning through play. All areas are interconnected to the characteristics of effective learning which are:
- Playing and exploring- engagement
- Active Learning- motivation
- Creating and Thinking Critically-thinking
The seven areas of learning are split into three prime areas and four specific areas.
Prime Areas (these work together to support development in all other areas)
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and language
- Physical Development
Specific Areas (essential skills and knowledge)
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Recording and reporting
All children are regularly observed and assessed. From these observations and assessments the children are set individual targets to ensure each child reaches their full potential.
Various methods are used to record observations: written notes, assessments, photographs, samples of work and observations using Seesaw software. All observations are placed in individual ‘learning journey’ folders and books. This then informs us of the next steps to provide for children’s learning and development.
Floor books are also used to record examples of children’s work, thoughts, ideas and interests throughout each topic.
Magical Moments
We love to share your child’s big achievements and special moments at home. If your child has done something really special you can write it on one of our ‘Magical Moments’ sheets and we will share and celebrate your special moment in school!
Magical moment sheets can be downloaded by clicking here. Alternatively they are available from reception and nursery staff.
For details about our curriculum in Reception and Long term plans please click here