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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2! Here is some information about our year group and what we learn throughout the year.

Our class teachers are Miss Edge in class 2E and Miss Franks in Class 2F.

Miss Penny, our additional teachers, provide small group support across year 2.

Our teaching assistants are Miss Moore in 2C and Miss Wong 2E.

Reading in Year 2

We love to read in Year 2, and it is a very important part of our curriculum. We take part in daily phonics and reading sessions following the Read, Write, inc phonics scheme. We read twice with our teachers every week using the RWI storybook range which are decodable books matched to our ability. We read the book twice in school and take it home along with the corresponding book bag book. Every Friday, we go to our school library and choose a Reading for Pleasure book to read at home. 


In Year 2 we read a fantastic range of quality texts that inspire our writing and also help to develop our spelling, grammar and punctuation knowledge and skills.

These include a variety of texts by Oliver Jeffers such as Lost and Found, Stuck and The Way back home. We build on Year 1’s work on Traditional tales looking at a traditional tale and an alternative version with a twist and we develop our comprehension skills through a book study using a chapter book version of Pinocchio. Through other texts we write information pages, poems and our own stories in a range of genres. One of our favourite topics is our Superhero topic inspired by the text Traction Man is here by Mini Grey. We enjoy creating our own superhero characters on our superhero day and putting them into their own adventure story. We also read a range of stories from other cultures such as Lila and the Secret of the rain which links nicely with our Geography topic Kenya.


In maths, we follow the White Rose Hub scheme of learning and cover Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics throughout the year. We teach these mathematical concepts in a real life context using concrete and pictorial resources to support children's understanding and develop their maths fluency. Reasoning and problem solving is weaved through each strand of mathematics and this helps to give maths a real life context. 


We cover a range of topics in History and develop our ‘sense of time’ by learning about famous people from the past, particularly focusing on significant people locally, nationally and globally. These include people such as Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell and the impact they made on nursing as well as local hero, Kitty Wilkinson and how she helped her community during the mid 1800’s.


In Autumn term we, we learn all about Our City: Liverpool and go out to explore the city centre on a trip to the Museum of Liverpool to learn about our city's famous landmarks along the waterfront. Later in the year we compare life in the UK to a different locality (Kenya, Africa). We also develop our map skills, learning about the four countries of the UK and their capital cities. We then apply our compass skills to identify their locality to each other. 

Things to remember

  • Book bags should be brought into school every day, to avoid missing out on book changes.
  • Spelling homework is given out weekly and books should be brought in for a spelling test each Friday.
  • P.E day is Thursday.
  • Library day is Friday.

Curriculum Information

To see Year 2's Curriculum plans for 2023/24, H.A.S.T forms, Class information forms, R.E Curriculum, and information about our phonics reading programme, Read Write Incplease click here.


Maths at home booklet for Parents and Carers

This short leaflet covers the Core Concepts and ideas that your child will need to know this year..

You will find suggestions for games to play, activities to do and websites to

access to support you, as your support your child.

Please click here