Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Class teachers for Year 1 are Miss Bennett (1B) and MRS Cairns (1C)
We also have Mrs Rawes and Miss Darcy as our Teaching Assistants.
We have lots of lessons each week, including: English, Phonics, Maths, Religious Education, Science, Topic (which includes History, Geography, and Art & DT), PSHE/RSE, PE and Computing. On a Tuesday morning we have specialised teachers delivering PE and Art/DT.
Topics we explore throughout Year 1 in Science are Animals including Humans, Everyday Materials, Plants and Seasonal Change.
In History, we learn about Toys: Then and Now, Local History: Shopping - Past and Present and The Great Fire of London.
In Geography, we look at Our Local Area: Kirkdale and learn all about Weather and Seasons.
In Art, we research several different artists to help us improve our drawing and painting skills throughout the year. Whilst in DT, we have great fun designing and making playground structures and sliders and levers linked to our English topic, Traditional Tales.
Reading is a big part of school life in Year 1, and we love to read with our teachers and teaching assistants. Phonics is a big focus in Year 1 and every day children take part in a Read Write Inc phonics and reading session grouped by the colour level that they are reading at. To finish our day we enjoy a story together as a class to promote a love of reading for pleasure. We take two reading books home every week to read with our families as well as a library book to enjoy at home.
Things we have enjoyed in Year 1:
- Beginning to observe seasonal changes as Autumn begins and then changes into Winter.
- Using a compass to explore direction
- Learning about our senses and tasting different types of food e.g. salty, sweet
- Looking at our local area
- Reading a class story everyday
Things we are looking forward to in Year 1
- Croxteth Park Farm
- World Book Day
- Children's Mental Health Week
Curriculum Information
To see Year 1's Curriculum plans for 2023/24, H.A.S.T forms, Class information forms, R.E Curriculum, and information about our phonics reading programme, Read Write Inc, please click here.
Maths at home booklet for Parents and Carers
This short leaflet covers the Core Concepts and ideas that your child will
need to know this year.
You will find suggestions for games to play, activities to do and websites to
access to support you, as your support your child. Please click here to access the booklet
Useful links
Phonics Play
Teach your monster to read
Topmarks Year 1
GoNoodle Mindfulness Section