Reception children enjoyed a visit to The Storybarn in Calderstones Park. This is a wonderful place, based entirely on books and the enjoyment of stories. We began our visit with a journey to ‘The Wonderful World of Oliver Jeffers’. Oliver Jeffers is a very popular author with our children and we were able to enter scenes of his books – Lost and Found, How to Catch a Star – and were able to role play, dress up and listen to stories. We entered the Lost and Found Office, explored the house and had adventures on the beach!
Next we visited the Storybarn. This was an amazing space, filled with books and story props, opportunities to dress up and immerse ourselves in stories! There was even a hot air balloon, which let our imaginations take us to faraway places! We found strange machines, explored with writing on typewriters, tucked ourselves away in tepees and curled up with books. We all enjoyed the slide which brought us downstairs ready to take part in craft activities!
We came back to school tired but bursting with ideas for own stories!