Questions you may have as a parent or guardian:
How can I learn alongside my child?
There are workshops held in school to support you in various aspects of your child's education which you may be unfamiliar with, for example phonics, calculations or times tables. The Surestart children's centre also holds a wide variety of supportive and informative workshops for families with children under 5 years of age. As a school we host free EYFS workshops, Stay and Plays, Stay and Reads, Read and Rhyme, Speech and Language workshops and many more.
How do I know how my child is doing at school?
You will be invited to a consultation with your child's teacher at 3 points throughout the year on parents evenings. You will also receive an annual written report, and be involved in any additional targetted learning your child may be taking part in, for example one page profiles, or personal education plans. Your child's teacher or teaching assistant will communicate with you on any current updates if necessary, and reports from external agencies and professionals will always be shared with you.
What is my child learning about?
There are a number of ways to find out what topics, skills and knowledge your child is working on. A termly HAST form (Home and School Together) outlines curriculum topics from Year 1 to Year 6, and Early Years receive updates from Seesaw. There are Twitter pages for different year groups, and the school website has a page dedicated to each year group, and also to each subject, detailing how your child is expected to progress throughout the school.
Homeworks, reading books and spellings are a useful way to know what your child is working on, and give you the opportunity to help them. You can also gain an insight through Stay and Play type events within the early years and induction/ welcome meetings.
What extra-curricular opportunities are available for my child?
We offer a wide variety of before and after school clubs and lunchtime clubs , linked to many areas of the curriculum. Children have the opportunity to attend football competitions, athletics, gymnastics and multi sports events, dodgeball and netball competitions.
We are linked with the Music Hub - Resonate, who provide opportunities to play different instruments, work as part of an ensemble, join vocal groups and participate in live concerts tailored to schools in the local area.
Children go on trips and experience outside workshops and visitors within school, for example science workshops, history days, yoga, cookery, design and technology and poetry. We provide children with many cultural and wider opportunities to enhance their learning in school.