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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium at St John's Catholic Primary School

St John's has been extremely successful in using the Pupil Premium very effectively and for maximum impact and the school has previously been awarded the North West Regional Pupil Premium Winner, in the Pupil Premium inaugural awards ceremony. 

At the time, the then Deputy Prime minister, wrote to the school stating that:-

"The most recently available Key Stage results show that you are among the top performing schools in England for boosting the performance of disadvantaged pupils since the Pupil Premium was introduced. This is a real testament to the hard work of staff, pupils, parents and governors. I would like to congratulate you on your results and your proven commitment to making sure all children can succeed, whatever their background"

Pupil Premium Funding is an allocation of money made available to schools by the government. Pupil premium funding was introduced in April 2011 and is paid by means of a specific grant based on school's census figures for pupils from Reception to Year 6 who are or have been registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years and pupils in care, or previously in care.

For this current academic year (2023-2024) we have been allocated £249,725 for 37% of pupils in our school.

As outlined in our strategy statement below, we have identified how best to use this income to address barriers (both inside and outside of school), raise attainment and progress and support the needs of these identified children to reach their full potential.

