Parent Information
Here at St John's we offer a broad and balanced curriculum, and we provide a large number of extra curricular activities and many educational visits for our children. Staff also ensure that the children are given exciting opportunities to enrich their learning through arranging visitors to come into school, who bring a new aspect to the curriculum.
For more information about our curriculum please click here
Our admissions policy for school is available for download at the bottom of this page and on our school policies page.
School Performance Tables
You can access the School Performance Tables for St John's published by the Secretary of State on the Department for Educations website by clicking here.
School Data
St John's data tables are all listed on our School Data page here
Parent Courses
We work in conjunction with various organisations to offer our parents and carers opportunities for workshops, adult education, qualifications, and information on how to help your child with their education.
Reading, Phonics and Maths workshops have been run for parents, including ways to help you assist your child/children with their maths development. These were a great success and there will be more courses arranged in the future.
For any further information please contact the school office. More details of courses available will be sent as they become available so please look out for letters or posters.
Please check out our Parental Involvement & Courses page for the latest course information.
Inspection Reports
To view our Ofsted Report, RE Inspection Report, the Fountain's Children Centre Report, and links to the Ofsted Data Dashboard and School Performance tables on our Inspection Reports page, please click here.