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P.E & Sports Premium

St John's Girls Football Team at the final of the LFC sponsored Liverpool Cup

The Government is determined to secure a significant and lasting legacy from the very successful 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games that were held in London. In order to achieve this and improve the provision of PE and sport in primary schools, additional funding has been made available each year since and has continued into 2020/21.

Each school receives £8000, plus £5 per pupil on role in January 2020. This is allocated in two payments in October 2020 and February 2021.

St John’s has received £19,229 

At St John’s we believe that sport plays an important part as it contributes to the health and well-being of our children. Sporting excellence and participation, alongside strong cultural opportunities go hand in hand with academic standards.

We have used the Sport Funding  to purchase the bronze membership of the Liverpool Schools Sports Partnership (LSSP), which alongside our own school actions has enabled us to strengthen and improve our provision in the following ways for the forthcoming year:

  • To employ a specialist PE teacher full time to plan and deliver high quality PE Lessons from Nursey to year 5 throughout the year.     
  • This specialist PE teacher/coaches work alongside school staff in a CPD role to develop quality teaching of PE. 

With the additional funding we are able to support PE further;

  • To support, engage and encourage all our children to be a member of a school sports club, providing funding for coaches/ school minibus and equipment and funding places for some children where needed.  
  • To provide cover to release teachers for professional development in PE and sport.  
  • To provide transport for sporting events and competitions off site.  
  • To provide training for Play/Sports Leaders to work alongside younger children at lunchtimes to provide a more active and healthy lunchtime.  
  • To attend sport competitions at both district and citywide levels increasing pupils’ participation in competitive sporting events both in KS1 and KS2.  
  • To provide swimming for all KS2 children delivered through the Liverpool City Swimming Programme who provide two high quality specialist swimming teachers.  
  • To provide funds for the swimming "Top Up" program to enable Year 6 children to achieve 25m

P.E Curriculum

A wide range of activities are delivered in school which aim to engage and inspire all children. We aspire to provide at least 2 hours per week of high quality well-planned PE.

Over the year each child will participate in games, athletics, dance and gymnastics lessons with swimming for all KS2 children delivered through the Liverpool City Swimming Programme who provide two high quality specialist swimming teachers. Our aim is that all children leave our school at the end of Year 6 able to swim 25 metres.

Adventurous activities in Years 6, including climbing, canoeing, problem solving, orienteering, archery  and boxing which are delivered while they attend an annual residential  at Winmarleigh Hall PGL and enjoy an activities week in July using local venues.

Providing More!

PE and sport has a high profile in our school and permeates many aspects of school life.

In the summer term we also hold our annual Sports Day in which we encourage participation of all children and organise competitive races which also include a parent’s event. We have sports theme days and competitions such as ‘The World Cup’ and charity fund raising events delivered through sports days.

Other agencies are used to enhance the variety of activities we can offer and we take full advantage when these opportunities become available. e.g L.F.C / E.F.C

Talented children are signposted to local clubs and events to encourage them to develop their skills. Most recently we have some children joining ‘Free Running’ at ‘The Airborne Academy’ a local centre built by sponsors Red Bull especially for and run by World Champion Free Runner Ryan Doyle.

The school is keen to provide a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for children throughout the year which are organised by our teaching staff and/or sports coaches.

We have a number of different sports  clubs here at St John's including Dance KS1, Dance KS2, Gymnastics KS1 and 2, Boys football, Girls Football, and Judo.

We try to cater for all our children’s needs and so ask the children which clubs they would like to see included during the year, this is done through assembly and through our sports councillors. We track all our children’s participation in school clubs and sporting events in order to monitor participation and help to ensure we can provide something for all. We also monitor Pupil Premium Children’s access to sports.

We enter a wide range of competitions, particularly through the LSSP, and have had many successes.

Please refer to the Extra Curricular/Clubs area of the website for more details of the extra curricular activities on offer. 

Primary school experiences are pivotal to the children’s future perception of physical activity and we believe that children leave our school equipped to enjoy sport for all its health and social benefits. For those who relish the competitive element, they gain the skills, confidence and relevant experience to succeed at their chosen level and discipline.

We have two TA's one who is a P.E graduate and another an F.A Coach who provide extracurricular football to both girls and boys across the school in both KS1 and KS2.  


For a detailed expenditure breakdown of P.E and Sports Funding 2022/23 (Downloadable pdf)


For a detailed expenditure breakdown of P.E and Sports Funding 2022/23 (Downloadable pdf)


For a detailed expenditure breakdown of P.E and Sports Funding 2021/22 (Downloadable pdf)


For a detailed expenditure breakdown of P.E and Sports Funding 2020/21 (Downloadable pdf)