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Look what our year group has been up to! 2023-24

Winmarleigh PGL Residential 

We had such a fabulous time on our PGL Residential at the beginning of the year. We got to take part in many activities and games. Some of our favourite activities included The Giant Swing, Problem Solving, Climbing Wall and Aeroball. We also got to build a campfire in the evening where we got to toast marshmallows and sing songs.




Times Table Rockstar Day 

We celebrated Times Table Rockstar Day in our fabulous rockstar outfits and played a range of fun games to help us learn our times tables. 



Science: Making Blood 

In Science, to help us learn what blood is made up of, we practically made it ourselves. 

First Aid Training 

We took part in a First Aid workshop which followed on from our workshop last year, building on our existing first aid skills. 


We have been learning how to use conditional formatting. We created rules for our spreadsheet to follow and created some pixel art. 

We also have used conditional statements to control how and when sprites move when making our space invaders game! We added annotations to our code to explain our decisions.

British Black History Workshop 

One Day Creative visited our school to provide workshops during Black History Month. We interacted by using drama to create freeze frames and hosted an awards ceremony to celebrate key significant figures. 

Anti-Bullying Week: Odd Socks Day 

We marked the start of Anti-bullying week by coming into school in odd socks. We also had the chance to design our own odd socks. 

History: Western Approaches Trip

We immersed ourselves in all things WWII at Western Approaches underground bunker. We learnt a lot about the impact of WWII and The Blitz on the city of Liverpool. 

Spanish-Themed Day

We celebrated our school's Spanish-themed day with lots of fun activities, quizzes and games. Our school chef even prepared Spanish food for us for lunch. 

Science: DNA and our Bodies Workshop 

We took part in a fabulous workshop all about DNA and our bodies, linked to one of our Year 6 Science topics. 

Art: Portraits 

We began our art topic 'Portraits' by researching the artist Pablo Picasso. We will be comparing and contrasting his work to the work of another artist: Leonardo Da Vinci. 

University of Liverpool 'Students of the Future' Roadshow

We had some special representatives from The University of Liverpool visit us in school to talk to us about our aspirations for the future.

CAFOD Santa Dash 

What fun we had completing our Santa Dash to raise money for CAFOD! 

Year 6 Christmas Party 

We had so much fun dancing, singing Christmas songs and playing Christmas-themed games during our Christmas party. 

Year 6 Christmas Cards 

This year, we created our Christmas cards using our Computing skills!

Year 6 Attendance Assembly

Well done to the children in Year 6 who received a certificate and prize for excellent or most improved attendance! Keep it up! 

Children's Mental Health Week 

What a lovely morning we had with The Inclusive Hub who provided a wonderful workshop for us to celebrate Children's Mental Health Week. We had the opportunity to make some bath salts and enjoyed adding colour and scent to them. We also looked at positivity and all the positive things in our lives. 


World Book Day 

Year 6 read The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse on World Book Day. We created our own extracts for the book in the style of the author Charlie Mackesy. We created some wonderful extracts and thoroughly enjoyed doing so! 

British Science Week 

We had an exciting workshop during British Science Week with Science Boffins. It was very interesting and insightful! 

CAFOD Big Lent Walk 

Year 5/6 took part in CAFOD's Big Lent Walk, completing many laps of the playground. Well done! 

Egg Decorating Competition 

Well done to all the year 6 children who took part in our egg decorating competition. They were EGGcellent! How creative you all are!