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Look at what we have been up to this year!

Shakespeare Performance

Year 5 had the wonderful opportunity of completing a Shakespeare production workshop. The children were fully immersed in learning how to read and use play scripts to perform the plays ‘A Midsummers Night’s Dream’ (5J) and Romeo and Juliet (5G). Throughout the workshop, the children learnt to understand the language William Shakespeare used in his plays but to say them aloud with confidence. At the end of the session, the children performed the play for the other year 5 class, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. The budding actors and actresses of year 5 had a wonderful experience performing for others. 



Singing Christmas Carols

Year had a wonderful opportunity to sing at Walton Manor Care Home. The children sang beautifully, and the residents thoroughly enjoyed the performance, with many joining in. The children had the opportunity after the performance to give the residents Christmas that they had made and enjoy some juice and snacks.  



DT Christmas Stocking

Year 5 have researched, designed and made Christmas stockings to be able to hold pencils, pens, small toys or sweets. They practise a range of sewing techniques to put the material together. They look wonderful, well done Year 5!



CAFOD Santa Dash

Year 5 did extremely well and completed a Santa dash run to raise money for CAFOD and even the weather didn't dampen our spirits! 

During the day we thought about the two principles in particular: the common good(thinking of everyone) and solidarity (showing others we care) and how raising money for CAFOD demonstrates these principles.