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St John’s Catholic Primary

Equality Objectives

Christ is the centre of our school community

Where we live, love and learn together.

In line with the Equalities Act, 2010 and the school’s Equality and Diversity Policy and Public Sector Equality Duty commitment statement, the following objectives demonstrate the school’s focus on providing equal and inclusive educational and non-educational services in a non-discriminatory manner for all members of our school community.

These objectives have been arrived at following discussions with members of the school community, an analysis of pupil progress and a review of the school’s developing population over recent years.

We are committed to meeting our Public Sector Equality Duty to:

(a) Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act.

(b) Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

(c) Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

We shall achieve this through

  • Implementing required policies and procedures
  • Ensuring appropriate training for our staff
  • School assemblies and special events
  • Our curriculum and interaction with all members of our school community
  • Our communications, website and publications
  • Our ethos and values
  • Appropriate oversight by school leaders and Governors
  • Our identified school objectives

Progress against these objectives will be monitored termly by reports to Governors and will be formally reviewed annually over the next four years. The timescale and procedures for monitoring the objectives may be amended in the light of new guidance or changes to relevant legislation.

For more information please see our Equality and Diversity Policy on our policies page here.

Equality Objectives and Actions 2022-23

Objective Action



Ensure effective use of Pupil Premium, closely monitoring its impact upon disadvantaged pupils, including those with protected characteristics.

a) Analysis of attainment data inform action plans to further support disadvantaged pupils as necessary.


b) Rolling Catch Up program to target Pupil Premium pupils.


c) Teachers and co-ordinators seek out opportunities to broaden the wide range of experiences our pupils’ have within school.


d) Targeted Book Study workshops for Year groups delivered by Liverpool Community Spirit.  


e) Parent/ Carer Workshops for adults who have EAL to learn English.

Attainment gaps are closed between our disadvantaged pupils and non-disadvantaged with particular emphasis on Maths.



Disadvantaged pupils experience a wide range of events and enrichment activities that they wouldn’t usually be exposed to.


Parents/ Carers develop their relationship with school staff. Communication between school and parents with EAL is strengthened.

To continuously strive for increased numbers of children with SEND to be achieving Age Related Expectation.

a) Targeted, closely monitored SEN support for our SEND pupils to overcome barriers to learning and make the optimal progress they can.


b) CPD to equip teachers and support staff with the knowledge and understanding to support a range of SEN needs.

Maintain and strive to improve our standards so that we are in line or above National data for children with SEND achieving age related expectation at the end of a Key Stage.
To improve better understanding and appreciation of diversity and difference in relation to different faith groups and children with disabilities.

a) Learning about other faiths within our RE scheme of Work ‘Come and See’.


b) Awareness days across the year.


c) Assemblies.


d) Neurodiversity celebration. 


e) Liverpool Community Spirit Workshops with KS2 pupils tackling faith phobias, racism and prejudice.

Our pupils are aware and accepting of the differences between faiths.


Difference is a thing that is celebrated within our school culture.




Equality and Diversity Curriculum

To see our PSHE curriculum programme overview (Jigsaw) please click here

Promoting Equality and Diversity

We also promote equality and diversity throughout the year using a variety of Awareness Days-

 Autumn Term

25th September World Deaf Day         

OctoberBlack History Month

4th October Yom Kippur  (Judaism)

6th October World Dyslexia Day

10th October World Mental Health Day

24th October Diwali (Hindu, Sikh, Jain)

1st November All Saints’ Day  (Christian)

11th November Remembrance Sunday

13th November World Kindness Day

14th November Anti Bullying Week

18th Nov Children in Need

27th November First Sunday of Advent  (Christian)

18th – 26th December Hanukkah (Jewish)

25th December Christmas Day (Christian)

Spring Term

1st  January New Years Day

      World Day of Peace

4th January World Braille day

6th January Epiphany (Christian)

16th  January Martin Luther King Day

22nd January Chinese New Year

1st-28th February-
LGBT History Month  

6th – 12th February Children’s Mental Health Week - Let's Connect

7th February Safer Internet Day

13th – 19th February Kindness Week

13th – 19th March Neurodiversity Celebration Week

17th February Random Acts of Kindness Day

21st February Shrove Tuesday

22nd February Ash Wednesday

27th  February – 12th  March Fair Trade Fortnight

8th March International Women’s Day

17th March St. Patrick’s Day

19th  March Mother’s Day

21st March-
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

22nd March World Water Day

22nd March Ramadan starts (Islam)

5th – 13th  April Passover (Jewish)

 7th April Good Friday (Christian)

9th April Easter Sunday (Christian)

14th April Vaisakhi (Sikh)

Summer Term

21st April  Ramadan ends (Islam)

21st April Eid- Al- Fitr (Islam)

22nd April Earth Day

23rd April St. George’s Day

2nd – 8th May -
Deaf Awareness Week

28th May Pentecost (Christian)

18th June Father’s Day

20th June World Refugee Day

28th June – 2nd Jul Eid- Al- Adha (Islam)







Reviewing Equality Objectives.

The review of the progress on our equality objectives will take place annually and will help inform how our school sets new priorities. This information will be published and made available across all platforms.


All equality policies will be published on our website and will be made available both electronically and in a hard copy format.

St John's Catholic Primary School adopt a whole school approach to equality and diversity and consider it important for pupils to learn about equality and human rights. We adhere to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) statement:

‘To reap the full benefits of equality and human rights education, it is essential to teach topics in an environment which respects the rights and differences of both students and teachers. Without an equality and human rights culture within the classroom and school as a whole , learning about these topics can at best appear irrelevant, and at worst, hypocritical. The respect and tolerance it teaches will help staff and pupils create a healthier, happier, fairer school culture and could lead to reductions in bullying and other negative behaviour and improvements in attainment and aspirations’




Stories we use at St John's to support teaching the Equality Act can be accessed through the link below.

Please click here to access the reading list.