Chatterbox Challenge 2017
Foundation Stage Event : Week beginning - 8th May
Following on from last year’s hugely successful Ben and Holly Chatterbox Challenge and Great Big Toy Swap we are going to be holding WONDERFUL WATER event for all Foundation Stage children.
During the week there will be a variety of fun and educational activities, with the main Challenge day being Wednesday 10th May, when we will be asking the children to dress in their old/ casual clothes and bring in waterproof clothes to take part in wet and wild activities!
To support our focus on early language development we will be holding a competition for the children and families to take part in at home. This will be a Water Word Hunt, where you will need to think of as many words as possible relating to water. Any family and friends can help to think of words, and the entries will be collected and verified on Friday 5th May. There will be a special prize for the winner and the runner up!
Please could you help by sending in any donations of the following to help our event go ‘swimmingly’…..
- sponges
- soft rollers
- brushes
- buckets
- paddling pools
- bath toys
- watering cans
- colanders
We appreciate your support with this event and we know the children will learn and benefit immensely from it whilst also supporting a worthwhile cause.
Thank you,
The Foundation Stage Staff