Chatterbox Challenge 2016
We are happy to announce that between Nursery and Reception, our pupils and parents raised a whopping £619.62 when we held Ben and Holly’s Fairy and Elf party in the Early Years. This was much more than our original target of £100!
All credit to you, your families and friends, for raising the money to reach this amazing total!
The teachers were replaced by fairies, and lots of little elves and fairies came to join us for a fun day of songs, games, stories, craft and music.
We made Holly’s magic fairy wand, and Ben’s elf trumpet.
We sang funny songs with actions, helping everyone to learn new words and recognise rhythm and rhyme.
We played party games which we had to concentrate and listen really carefully to try and win a prize, such as ‘Holly says…..’ where we had to follow the instructions only if Holly said so, and if she didn't, we kept still!
We played musical bumps and pass the parcel, where we had to concentrate on listening to when the music stopped so we could sit down quickly or open the parcel!
We also had a fantastically successful ‘Great Big Chatterbox Toy Swop’ which helped to raise even more money to support children with speech and language difficulties. You were all so generous in bringing in your unwanted toys to swop, and hopefully you managed to find an exciting new toy to take away instead!
Thank you so much for all your contributions and working so hard with your children to find sponsors for the day!
We all had a brilliant time and can’t wait to see what the theme will be for next year!