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Art and Design Links

Useful links for pupils and parents.

Access Art: Drawing Together - learn to draw for 7 year old's and above.

Show Me: this site links to games and activities from the UK's museums and art galleries.

Material World - explore the different types of material used to create art.

Art of Many Lands - a site that shows examples of art from different countries and cultures.

National Gallery - have fun with some art related games from the National Gallery.

Eduweb - A website to explore and read about paintings and their history. We can all learn how to look at paintings from this site!

BBC Your Paintings Visit this site with your child to find out about and explore all of the amazing art we have as a  Nation!

BBC School Arts Website – Archived but still useful and use able.

Looking for a day out ?

The Walker Art Gallery

The Tate Art Gallery.