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A Guide for Parents

Absence procedures

St John’s has a first day response policy.  The school will contact home if a child is absent, to seek an explanation.

If your child is going to be absent, please inform school by phone.  When a child is absent and a phone call is not received, the school will contact parents/carers seeking an explanation for the absence. If a child’s attendance is causing concern, the school’s attendance team will contact parents/carers in order to find a solution.  If this is not successful and does not lead to an improvement in the child’s attendance, the school will involve the LA’s Education Welfare Officer, who monitors all absences on a weekly basis.

If your child is to attend medical or dental appointments within school time that can not be arranged outside the school day, please inform the school office and provide medical evidence for this.

Working Together

At St John’s, we believe that pupils' attendance and punctuality are extremely important.  We are committed to raising standards; this can only be done if the school and parents/carers work in partnership and parents/carers ensure that their children attend regularly and on time.

How Can We Help?

We will inform you of your child's attendance regularly and initially the attendance team in school will arrange a meeting with you if your child's attendance is a concern. Here, we will work together to support you and your child with their attendance in school.  

We will offer rewards and incentives for excellent attendance, improved attendance and punctuality.  These include:

  • Praise
  • Certificates
  • Prizes
  • Weekly raffle draws for 100% attenders
  • Class piggy banks 
  • Attendance stickers 
  • Termly attendance assemblies 

How Can You Help?

  • Ensure your child attends school every day.
  • Inform school on the first day of any absence.
  • When your child returns to school, send in any medical evidence if applicable.
  • Whenever possible make dentist and doctor appointments after school.
  • Book family breaks during school holidays.  

If your child is worried about coming to school please let us know.

We will work together to overcome any problems and help your child to enjoy coming to school.

Absence for family holidays in school time

The LA and School cannot condone pupils taking holidays in school time. Holidays will not be authorised and school will follow the LA guidance: a fixed penalty fine will be issued.

Important changes to Attendance Legislation regarding holidays during term time (Please Read):