3B's Healthy Eating Day
3B took part in a Healthy Eating Day this week. In our first session we peeled and prepared fruits, and made them into fruit kebabs. We talked about how it was important to eat a wide range of fruits, what fruits we were eating and how we could make our kebab look appetising. The results were both amazing looking and delicious to eat.
After this we looked at the eatwell plate and discovered that we have to eat a wide range of foods to remain healthy. There are five food groups: fruit and vegetables; bread, pasta, rice and potatoes; meat, fish, eggs and beans; foods high in fat and sugar and dairy produce. We worked in teams to come up with a three course menu that covered these food groups and would be delicious to eat.
In the afternoon we did some circuit training. After this we tasted a wide range of vegetables and recorded whether we liked them. We then made some couscous as a class and put the vegetables we liked in our own couscous, which we took home.