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School Council

Welcome to our School Council!

At St Johns, our school council works hard to promote ‘pupil voice’. In September, our council members were elected by their peers. Each candidate was asked to prepare a statement, explaining why they were well-suited to the role of school councillor. 

In our meetings, councillors are asked to bring the ‘suggestion box’ from their classroom, where we share the ideas and suggestions from the boxes together. Our school council are proud to be able to present these ideas to our head teacher, making sure our pupils have a voice which is heard and valued throughout the school.

As well as this, we prepare for and discuss important topics such as anti-bullying week, Children in Need and, most recently, mental health week. You can find our anti-bullying posters we designed throughout the school. 









Reasons why we were chosen by our peers to be a school council member:

"I am kind and friendly and I love making friends as well." J, Year 4

"I am kind and confident." J, Year 2

"They think I am a respectable person." D, Year 3

"I am sensible and listen carefully. I also respect the opinions of others." M, Year 3

"I make people happy!" L, Year 6

"I am a people person and a good talker." M, Year 6

 Our reasons for wanting to be a part of School Council: 

"So I can make changes in St. John's." J, Year 4

"I make a perfect role model." E, Year 4

"To help others and listen to what they would like." J, Year 2

"I want to be able to help and share ideas with everyone." S, Year 5

"I like hard work and I can pass information on to the rest of the class." D, Year 3

"I want to make the school a better place for everyone." L, Year 6