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Welcome to Foundation Stage

At St John’s we aim to provide the highest quality care and education to all our children thereby giving them a strong foundation for their future learning. We create a safe and happy environment with motivating and enjoyable learning experiences that enable children to become confident and independent. We value the individual child and work alongside parents and others to meet their needs and help every child to reach their full potential.

As outlined in the EYFS “Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experience between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances”

We adhere to the Statutory Framework of the EYFS and the four guiding principles that shape practice within Early Years settings.

  • Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, confident and self- assured

  • Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships

  • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between  practitioners  and parents and/or carers

  • Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates


We meet the needs of all our children through:

  • planning opportunities that build upon and extend children’s knowledge, experience and interests, and develop their self-esteem and confidence;

  • using a wide range of teaching strategies based on children’s learning needs;

  • providing a wide range of opportunities to motivate and support children and to help them to learn effectively;

  • providing a safe and supportive learning environment in which the contribution of all children is valued;

  • using resources which reflect diversity and are free from discrimination and stereotyping;

  • planning challenging activities for children whose ability and understanding are in advance of their language and communication skills;

  • monitoring children’s progress and taking action to provide support as necessary.


Staff effectively ensures that children have an appropriate balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities. They know children's needs well through closely observing their development, and use this information well to plan children's new learning.  -Ofsted


Parents as Partners

We recognise that parents are children’s first and most enduring educators and we value the contribution they make.

We recognise the role that parents have played, and their future role, in educating the children. We do this through:

  • talking to parents about their child before their child starts in our school;

  • the children have the opportunity to spend time with their peers and adults before starting school by coming for an initial visit;

  • inviting all parents to an induction meeting during the term before their child starts school;

  • offering parents regular opportunities to talk about their child’s progress and allowing free access to the children’s ‘Learning Journey’  folders

  • encouraging  parents to talk to the child’s  Key Person if there are any concerns. There is a formal meeting for parents at which the teacher and the parent discuss the child’s progress. Parents receive a report on their child’s attainment and progress at the end of each school year;

  • arranging a range of activities throughout the year that encourage collaboration between child, school and parents: Stay and play, Stay and read, Class assemblies, Early reading and phonics meetings, Read and rhyme with your child, Our Little Readers workshop etc;

Reading in Early Years

Within the foundation stage we aim to develop a love of reading which sparks imagination, encourages creativity and promotes communication for children. Literacy and early reading makes up such an important part of our EYFS and is part of our daily routine across the foundation stage. Our aim is to lay the foundations for a life-long love of reading

At St John’s we believe reading fosters a love of learning. Our children are read to and read daily, they are immersed in rich talk about books and the various activities in which they are engaged.

Language develops when adults talk with children about the world around them and the books, poems, rhymes and songs they share. We provide children with extensive opportunities to use and embed new vocabulary in a range of contexts.

We ensure high quality phonics teaching through Read, Write Inc. The programme includes all elements required to be a full systematic, synthetic phonics programme.

Parents are invited to come into school on a regular basis to join their children for;

-Stay and Read

-Stay and Play

-Read and Rhyme

-Little readers project workshops

-Reading in the outdoors

-Phonics and reading meeting


Learning Environment 

The EYFS unit is organised to allow children to explore and learn securely and safely. There are areas where the children can be active, be quiet and rest. The unit is set up in learning areas, where children are able to find and locate equipment and resources independently. The EYFS unit has it own enclosed outdoor area and woodland area. This has a positive effect on the children’s development. Being outdoors offers opportunities for doing things in different ways and on different scales than when indoors. It allows the children to explore, use their senses and be physically active and exuberant.  We plan activities and resources for the children to access outdoors that help the children to develop in all 7 areas of learning.

"The stimulating indoor and outdoor areas are used well to enhance children's learning". Ofsted